
Method 1: git + pip

Clone this repo into your chosen location ($myrepo) and install the necessary Python modules into a virtual environment:

cd $myrepo
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

After that, either put $myrepo/bin into your $PATH or create a symlink from somewhere in your $PATH to $myrepo/bin/wmk.

Required software (aside from Python, of course):

wmk requires a Unix-like environment. In particular, bash must be installed in /bin/bash, and the directory separator is assumed to be /.

Method 2: Homebrew

If you are on MacOS and already have Homebrew, this is the easiest installation method.

First add the tap to your repositories:

brew tap bk/wmk

Then install wmk from it:

brew install --build-from-source wmk

Method 3: Docker

If you are neither on a modern Linux system nor on MacOS with Homebrew, it may be a better option for you to run wmk via Docker. In that case, after cloning the repo (or simply copying the Dockerfile from it) you can give the command

docker build -t wmk .

in the directory containing the Dockerfile, in order to build an image called wmk. You can then run the various wmk subcommands via Docker, for instance

docker run --rm --volume $(pwd):/data --user $(id -u):$(id -g) wmk b .

to build the wmk project in the current directory, or

docker run --rm -i -t --volume $(pwd):/data --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -p 7007:7007 wmk ws . -i

to watch for changes in the current directory and run a webserver for the built files.

Obviously, such commands can be unwieldy, so if you run them regularly you may want to create aliases or wrappers for them.