
A shortcode consists of an opening tag, {{<, followed by any number of whitespace characters, followed by a string representing the "short version" of the content, followed by any number of whitespace characters and the closing tag >}}.

A typical use case is to easily embed content from external sites into your markdown (or other) content. More advanced possibilities include formatting a table containing data from a CSV file or generating a cropped and scaled thumbnail image.

Shortcodes are implemented as Mako components named <shortcode>.mc in the shortcodes subdirectory of templates (or of some other directory in your Mako search path, e.g. themes/<my-theme>/templates/shortcodes).

The shortcode itself looks like a function call. Note that positional arguments can only be used if the component has an appropriate <%page> block declaring the expected arguments.

The shortcode component will have access to a context composed of (1) the parameters directly specified in the shortcode call; (2) the information from the metadata block of the markdown file in which it appears; (3) a counter variable, nth, indicating number of invocations for that kind of shortcode in that markdown document; and (4) the global template variables.

Shortcodes are applied before the content document is converted to HTML, so it is possible to replace a shortcode with markdown content which will then be processed normally. Note, however, that this may lead to undesirable results when you use such shortcodes in a non-markdown content document.

A consequence of this is that shortcodes do not have direct access to (1) the list of files to be processed, i.e. MDCONTENT, or (2) the rendered HTML (including the parts supplied by the Mako template). A shortcode which needs either of these must place a (potential) placeholder in the markdown source as well as a callback in page.POSTPROCESS. Each callback in this list will be called just before the generated HTML is written to htdocs/ (or, in the case of a cached page, after document conversion but right before the Mako layout template is called), receiving the full HTML as a first argument followed by the rest of the context for the page. Examples of such shortcodes are linkto and pagelist, described below. (For more on page.POSTPROCESS and page.PREPROCESS, see Site, page and nav variables).

Here is an example of a simple shortcode call in markdown content:

### Yearly expenses

{{< csv_table('expenses_2021.csv') >}}

Here is an example Mako component that might handle the above shortcode call:

<%page args="csvfile, delimiter=',', caption=None"/>
<%! import os, csv %>
info = []
with open(os.path.join(context.get('DATADIR'), csvfile.strip('/'))) as f:
    info = list(csv.DictReader(f, delimiter=delimiter))
if not info:
    return ''
keys = info[0].keys()
<table class="csv-table">
  % if caption:
    <caption>${ caption }</caption>
  % endif
      % for k in keys:
        <th>${ k }</th>
      % endfor
    % for row in info:
        % for k in keys:
          <td>${ row[k] }</td>
        % endfor
    % endfor

Shortcodes can take up more than one line if desired, for instance:

{{< figure(
Although they appear similar, **crocodiles** and **alligators** differ in easy-to-spot ways:

- crocodiles have narrower and longer heads;
- their snouts are more V-shaped;
- also, crocodiles have a protruding tooth, visible when their mouth is closed.
""") >}}

In this example, the caption contains markdown which would be converted to HTML by the shortcode component (assuming we're dealing with the default figure shortcode).

Note that shortcodes are not escaped inside code blocks, so if you need to show examples of shortcode usage in your content they must be escaped in some way in such contexts. One relatively painless way is to put a non-breaking space character after the opening tag {{< instead of a space.

Default shortcodes

The following default shortcodes are provided by the wmk installation: