Template library
It is generally up to the site or theme author to define any needed Mako/Jinja
templates. In rare cases, however, the templates are general enough that it may
be natural to distribute them with wmk itself in the form of a Mako template
library located under /lib/
The template /lib/seo.mc
makes it easier to format metadata for use in the
section of a base template. It is used in something like the following
<%namespace import="seo" file="/lib/seo.mc" />
% if page:
${ seo(site, page, url=SELF_URL, title=self.page_title) }
% else:
${ seo(site, page=None, url=SELF_URL, title=self.page_title,
img=self.attr.main_image) }
% endif
This will add common meta tags (including basic OpenGraph and JSON-LD
information). By default, it also adds a <title>
tag. For further details
regarding the functionality, see the template file itself.
The template /lib/atom_xml.mc
can be used to facilitate the creation of an
Atom feed for the website. Set site.base_url
to a valid URL and set
to a true value. Then create a file named atom.xml.mhtml
the template root, containing something like the following:
<%namespace name="atom" file="/lib/atom_xml.mc" />\
${ atom.feed(contentlist=MDCONTENT.sorted_by_date()) }\
There are several optional parameters (with_img
, get_img
, with_summary
, pubdate_attr
, updated_attr
, with_full_text
, limit
) for
tweaking the output.
Similarly, /lib/sitemap_xml.mc
can be used to create a siteamp.xml
Set site.enable_sitemap
to a true value and ensure that site.base_url
is present.
Then create a file named sitemap.xml.mhtml
in the template root, with the
following content:
<%namespace import="sitemap" file="/lib/sitemap_xml.mc" />\
${ sitemap(contentlist=MDCONTENT) }\
Usage in Jinja templates
No Jinja version of these components has been created, but the Mako version can be called from a Jinja2 template using code such as the following:
{% set seo = mako_lookup.get_template("/lib/seo.mc").get_def("seo") %}
{{ seo.render(site, page, url=SELF_URL, title=page.title) |safe }}