Site, page and nav variables

When a markdown file (or other supported content) is rendered, the Mako template receives a number of context variables as partly described above. A few of these variables, such as MDTEMPLATES and DATADIR set directly by wmk (see above). Others are user-configured either (1) in wmk_config.yaml (the contents of the site object and potentially additional "global" variables in template_context); or (2) the cascade of index.yaml files in the content directory and its subdirectories along with the YAML frontmatter of the markdown file itself, the result of which is placed in the page object.

When gathering the content of the page variable, wmk will start by looking for index.yaml files in each parent directory of the markdown file in question, starting at the root of the content directory and moving upwards, at each step extending and potentially overriding the data gathered at previous stages. Only then will the YAML in the frontmatter of the file itself be parsed and added to the page data.

The file-specific frontmatter may be in the content file itself, or it may be in a separate YAML file with the same name as the content file but with an extra .yaml extension. For instance, if the content filename is, then the YAML file would be named If both in-file and external frontmatter is present, the two will be merged, with the in-file values "winning" in case of conflict.

At any point, a data source in this cascade may specify an extra YAML file using the special LOAD variable. This file will then be loaded as well and subsequently treated as if the data in it had been specified directly at the start of the file containing the LOAD directive.

Which variables are defined and used by templates is very much up the user, although a few of them have a predefined meaning to wmk itself. For making it easier to switch between different themes it is however suggested to stick to the following meaning of some of the variables:

The variables site and page are dicts with a thin convenience layer on top which makes it possible to reference subkeys belonging to them in templates using dot notation rather than subscripts. For instance, if page has a dict variable named foo, then a template could contain a fragment such as ${ or 'splat' } -- even if the foo dict does not contain a key named bar. Without this syntactic sugar you would have to write something much more defensive and long-winded such as ${ if and 'bar' in else 'splat' }.

The nav variable

The nav variable is an easy way of configuring a navigation tree for websites with content that has a hierarchical structure, such as a typical documentation site. It is set via the nav key in the wmk_config.yaml file and is represented in templates as a tree-like Nav object.

A Nav instance is a list-like object with two types of entries: links and sections. A link is just a title and a URL. A section has a title and a list of links or sections (possibly nested).

Each item has a parent (with the nav itself as the top level parent) and a level (starting from 0 for the immediate children of the nav). The nav has a homepage attribute which by default is the first local link in the nav. Each local link has previous and next attributes. Each section has children. There are other attributes but these are the basics.

Manually configured

A typical explicit nav setting looks something like this:

    - Home: /
    - User Guide:
        - Lorem:
            - Ipsum: /guide/ipsum/
            - Eu fuit: /guide/mageisse/
        - Dolor sit amet: /guide/concupescit/
    - Resources:
        - Community: ''
        - Source code: ''
    - About:
        - License: /about/license/
        - History: /about/history/

A manually configured nav setting of this kind is necessary if you want to have more than one level of nesting or if you need to link to something outside of the site from the nav. Both of these characteristics are present in the above example. However, if you need neither of them, an automatically generated nav may be more convenient.

Automatically generated

A simple nav object with a single level of nesting can also be generated by wmk from the frontmatter of the content files. In order for this to happen two conditions must be met:

  1. The value of nav in wmk_config.yaml is set to auto.

  2. Each item in the config that is to appear in the navigation tree must have at least the key nav_section in the frontmatter. To determine ordering, nav_order or (equivalently) weight may also be specified; and if necessary the page title may be overridden in the nav by setting the nav_title attribute.

The nav_section value Root is special. Pages assigned to that section are placed directly at the front of the nav structure as link items.

Other sections are simply grouped by their nav_section values. Please note that these values are case-sensitive.

Within each section the link items are ordered by the their nav_order/weight value, which should be an integer. If two or more items have the same ordering number, they are ordered by nav_title/title.

The sections themselves are ordered within the nav by the lowest nav_order/weight value of the pages assigned to them. Sections with the same ordering number are sorted alphabetically.

The TOC variable

When a page is rendered, the generated HTML is examined and a simple table of contents object constructed, which will be available to templates as TOC. It contains a list of the top-level headings (i.e. H1 headings, or H2 headings if no H1 headings are present, etc.), with lower-level headings hierarchically arranged in its children. Other attributes are url and title. TOC.item_count contains the heading count (regardless of nesting).

The TOC variable can e.g. be used by the page template to show a table of contents elsewhere on the page.

The table of contents object is not constructed unless each heading has an id attribute. When using the default python-markdown, this means that the toc extension must be active.

System variables

The following frontmatter variables affect the operation of wmk itself, rather than being exclusively handled by Mako templates.


Note that a variable called something like below is referenced as such in Mako templates but specified in YAML frontmatter simply as foo: somevalue.

For both template and layout, the .mhtml extension of the template may be omitted. If the template value appears to have no extension, .mhtml is assumed; but if the intended template file has a different extension, then it of course cannot be omitted.

Likewise, a leading base/ directory may be omitted when specifying template or layout. For instance, a layout value of post would find the template file base/post.mhtml unless a post.mhtml file exists in the template root somewhere in the template search path.

If neither template nor layout has been specified and no default_template setting is found in wmk_config.yaml, the default template name for markdown files is md_base.mhtml.

Affects rendering

Note that if two files in the same directory have the same slug, they may both be rendered to the same output file; it is unpredictable which of them will go last (and thus "win the race"). The same kind of conflict may arise between a slug and a filename or even between two filenames containing non-ascii characters. It is up to the content author to take care to avoid this; wmk does nothing to prevent it.

The following variables are not used directly by wmk but affect templates in different ways. It is a list of recommendations rather than something which must be necessarily followed.

Typical site variables

Site variables are the keys-value pairs under site: in wmk_config.yaml.

Templates or themes may be configurable through various site variables, e.g. site.paginate for number of items per page in listings or site.mainfont for configuring the font family.

Classic meta tags

These variables mostly relate to the text content and affect the metadata section of the <head> of the HTML page.

Note that this is by no means an exhaustive list of variables likely to affect the <head> part of the generated HTML. For instance, several other variables may affect meta tags used for sharing on social media. One of the more common ones is probably page.image (described below). In any case, the list of supported frontmatter attributes and how they are interpreted is for the most part up to the theme or template author.


Dates and datetimes should normally be in a format conformant with or similar to ISO 8601, e.g. 2021-09-19 and 2021-09-19T09:19:21+00:00. The T may be replaced with a space and the time zone may be omitted (localtime is assumed). If the datetime string contains hours it should also contain minutes, but seconds may be omitted. If these rules are followed, the following variables are converted to date or datetime objects (depending on the length of the string) before they are passed on to templates.

See also the description of the DATE and MTIME context variables above.

Media content
